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Office of the President



MSU is closely monitoring the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, and campus leaders are meeting daily to manage the university's response. The health and safety of our campus community is Michigan State’s highest priority.

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President Stanley announces two key planning initiatives: a strategic planning process to meet potential challenges and support future accomplishments, and a concurrent initiative focused on diversity, equity and inclusion.

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Provost Search


New Website
Our Commitment


Michigan State has taken meaningful actions to ensure a safer, more respectful and more caring campus community. The university seeks to be both more aware and more accountable. Under the leadership of President Stanley and guided by the 利用Python打造免费、高可用、高匿名的IP伋理池 - 知乎:2021-10-7 · 4.伋理可用性及匿名程度校验 伋理IP的验证,我这里分为数据库中已存IP的验证和新爬取的IP的验证。对于新爬取的伋理IP验证,主要验证其可用性,是否支持HTTPS、匿名程度、是否可伍翻出去。数据库中的伋理IP直接验证可用性即可。可用性验证, we are committed to doing more.


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Michigan State University has implemented a telephone and web reporting Hotline to help maintain adherence to ethical practices. The purpose of the Hotline is to provide an anonymous method to report known or suspected misconduct related to fiscal matters, conflicts of interest, employment, medical/HIPAA, research, safety, athletics, discrimination/harassment, privacy, retaliation, or any other area of legal, policy, or ethical concern not specifically listed.

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